That’s how many children are involved in organized sports in the course of one year, according to The Center for Kids First.
In fact, for many moms and dads, playing on a football, soccer or Little League team is an important rite of passage for children.
However, some parents are overlooking the significance of recognizing, managing and preventing sports-related injuries and health conditions.
Kids are able to bounce back from many minor bumps and bruises. Better than bouncing back is avoiding injuries—minor or major—whenever possible.
According to Doctor of Chiropractic and recently crowned Ms. America, Stephanie Mills, children need to be properly prepared before taking the field.
“With proper preparation, playing any sport can be a fun experience,” says Dr. Mills. “Children involved in sports should be evaluated by a doctor of chiropractic on a regular basis to assess for proper structural function—important during youth and can be negatively influenced by poor posture and sports-related injuries.”
Trained and licensed to treat the neuro-musculoskeletal system, doctors of chiropractic can provide non-pharmacological care and advice on sports training, nutrition and injury recognition and prevention. Additionally, doctors of chiropractic can provide parents and athletes alike with the knowledge and ability to recognize such things as concussion signs and symptoms, allowing children to have a successful athletic experience.